no idea how to start a relationship wit malay staff at ma new office.......
haiiizzzz ......... sume orang bizi je manjang, so no time to say hi.....
but the best part chinese collegue sempat lagi pass by n say hello to me.....
weird rite... sepatutnye malay yang more friendly n welcoming... tp skarang tebalik....
then tengok2 satu macam ble me kuar lunch wit ms bosses..... But today kuar makan sorang2....... hopefully xde mate2 yang juling lagi....
humm..dieorg segan kot.....nnt ok la tu...
nant lame2 ok la tu.
dunt wory
humm....royalty x abes baya lg neh....tp da tuka adress...macam kes lari je ni... :-P
hak3..setuju ngn ko azim
esah xgtao lak tu kt aku die tukar name..haish..
esah..lect aku ckp kalu ade org cemburu..maksudnyer kite best.hehe
means aku ni best la???
royalty da baya la....
esok baya ngan mee goreng
huh??mee goreng??humm....npe xmo masak kuew teaw???lg best ape......
lenkali ye..........
ya..itula mksudnya cyg..hehe
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