Do you like seafood?
- like the most..
What color is your toothbrush?
- greeny white
Are there any guns in your house?
- fake one? toys? do have one...
What curse word do you say most often?
- vavi?
How many televisions are in your house?
- none
Do you have cats?
-erk.... x ske beliau....
Is there a window in the room your in?
- xde window? mati lemas aku kat dalam
Do you know how to make websites?
- ummm.... tatau ler...
What are your plans this weekend?
- house moving...
What will you be doing after this survey?
- now 4.09am dy, sleep lorr
Ever swam in a salt water pool?
- yupp.... kat laut....
Are you hard to handle?
- hummm.... beliau kate sangat susah...
Do fairy tales come true?
- maybe...
Are you a good singer?
- hahahaha..... sanggup dengar ke?
Can you type fast?
- ummm.... do think so...
Do you like camping?
- i like it..
Did you take a shower yet today?
- sudeh.... siap basuh bilek air lagi....
What is your biggest problem?
- i'm trying to forgive n forget....
What actress do you think is the prettiest?
- jessica alba jugak....
How do you feel about Obama?
- hoping he's not the same bush....
Has someone told you that you should become a model?
- erk.... dun think so
Have you had your birthday yet this year?
- not yet... coming on april 1st
What are you looking forward to within the next month?
- workload at new workplace?
Have you ever thought about running away?
- thinking bout it every second...
How old were you when you got your 1st car?
- humm... dun have any...
What kind of camera do you use?
- FOC canon... hehehe
On the floor to your left what do you see?
- tikor getah, kaki meja,charger sony erricson
Do you have any such library card?
- i'm not a bookworm
Where is the person u love?
- do i love em?
Do you read the ingredients in shampoo or conditioner?
- not all the time....