
Friday, December 30, 2011

This i promise you

I will promise you to live with only you in my eyes
I will promise you to live with only you in my arms
From the time I open my eyes and till I sleep I will only yearn for you
I love you don't forget these words I love you forever

I will become the shade in the hot summer
I will become your umbrella when it rains
I will become the small chair when you become tired from walking
So that your happiness will be doubled, I will laugh with you
I will become the towel when you cry to wipe you tears

I will promise you that wherever I am I will only remember you
I will promise you that whatever I am doing I will remember you
Forever I will live with this new path in my life
I love you don't forget there words I love you forever

ILY, Always & Forever

Friday, December 23, 2011



Assalamualaikum readers.. eceh.. macam ramai la plak yang follow kan...
Dah lama tak update blog kan.. Tetiba rasa nak update... Banyak perkara yang berlaku sejak akhir akhir ni..
yang membuatkan aku sterehhh!!!!! gggrrrrrrrrr..... Someone is trying to snatch him away from me..
Dengan penuh keyakinan me"war war"kan perasaannya di blog, facebook, twitter, tumblr dan segala mak nenek social network... Dont you ever respect me? Dont you ever respect him? Have you ever imagine yourself in my shoe?
I know him inside out but your update, your action makes me doubt him... That was the last thing i would do to him.. Poor him.. Trying his best to convince me and i dont even now what should i do and who should i trust... I give all the pressure to him, blame him doing things that he didn't do at all...
Homesickness + pressure drive me NUTS!!!!!!!!!!!.. xbleh tido, xbleh makan, muntah muntah and worse... hari ni terus demam... Hoho..

Yes! you are stupid.. I am giving you so many hint that he's taken.. but still, you  try your  hardest to snatch him from me..  
This for you ... Love you always and i'm really sorry, i doubted you

I'll try my best to fight for it

Friday, December 16, 2011

Jangan Menunggu Boleh baru lakukan! Tapi Lakukanlah!!! Anda Pasti Boleh!!!

Jangan menunggu bahagia baru tersenyum.
Tapi tersenyumlah, maka anda semakin bahagia
Jangan menunggu kaya baru bersedekah.
Tapi bersedekahlah, maka anda semakin kaya
Jangan menunggu pasangan yang sempurna baru menikah.
Tapi menikahlah, maka kesempurnaan akan hadir dalam hidupmu
Jangan menunggu dimotivasi baru bergerak.
Tapi bergeraklah, maka anda akan termotivasi
Jangan menunggu dipedulikan orang baru anda peduli,
Tapi pedulilah dengan orang lain! maka anda akan dipedulikan…
Jangan menunggu orang memahami anda baru kita memahami dia,
Tapi fahamilah orang itu, maka orang itu paham dengan anda
Jangan menunggu terinspirasi baru menulis.
Tapi menulislah, maka inspirasi akan hadir dalam tulisanmu
Jangan menunggu projek baru bekerja.
Tapi berkerjalah, maka projek akan menunggumu
Jangan menunggu dicintai baru mencintai.
Tapi belajarlah mencintai, maka anda akan dicintai
Jangan menunggu banyak duit baru hidup tenang,
Tapi hiduplah dengan tenang, Insya Allah bukan sekadar duit yang datang,
Jangan menunggu contoh baru bergerak mengikuti.
Tapi bergeraklah, maka anda akan menjadi contoh yang diikuti
Jangan menunggu berjaya baru bersyukur.
Tapi bersyukurlah, maka bertambah kejayaan kamu
Jangan gagal mencuba
Tapi biar mencuba tapi gagal
Jangan Berkata “Ya Tuhan! Masalahku sangatlah Besar!”
Tapi katakanlah “Wahai Masalah!! Tuhanku sangatlah Besar!!”
-Apapun masalah, Allah bersama kita,Insya Allah…  

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Ilmu yang perlu dikongsi

Panduan ini dikirim oleh rakan-rakan melalui email dan saya sekadar ingin berkongsi dengan teman-teman sekalian. Semoga ianya memberi manfaat pada kita semua……amiiin
Dikatakan :-
۞   Surah Al-Fatihah dapat memadam kemurkaan Allah SWT.

۞   Surah Yasin dapat menghi lan gkan rasa dahaga atau kehausan pada hari Kiamat.

۞   Surah Dukhan dapat membantu kita ketika menghadapi ujian Allah SWT pada hari kiamat.

۞   Surah Al-Waqi’ah dapat melindungi kita daripada ditimpa kesusahan atau fakir.

۞   Surah Al-Mulk dapat meringankan azab di dalam kubur.

۞   Surah Al-Kauthar dapat merelaikan segala perbalahan.

۞   Surah Al-Kafirun dapat menghalang kita daripada menjadi kafir ketika menghadapi kematian.

۞   Surah Al-Ikhlas dapat melindungi kita daripada menjadi golongan munafiq.

۞   Surah Al-Falq dapat menghapuskan perasaan hasad dengki.

۞   Surah An-Nas dapat melindungi kita daripada ditimpa penyakit was-was.

Seterusnya, bagi menangani Syaitan Durjana, dikatakan juga:-
۞ Ketika anda membawa AL-QURAN, respon syaitan ialah biasa saja, tengok je...

۞ Ketika anda membukanya, syaitan mula curiga.

۞ Ketika anda membacanya, syaitan mula gelisah.

۞ Ketika anda memahaminya, dia mula kejang.

۞ Ketika anda mengamalkan AL-QURAN, dalam kehidupan setiap hari, dia stroke....

Teruskan membaca AL-QURAN dan mengamalkannya agar syaitan terus stroke
۞ Ketika anda ingin menyebarkan pesanan ini, syaitan pun mencegahnya.

۞ Syaitan kata, 'JANGAN SEBARKANNYA,

Sebar-sebarkan info ini Wahai SaudaraKu~

Jangan kita malas dan mengalah….ini mungkin menjadi setitik amal jariah yang bakal terhimpun menjadi telaga di akhirat nanti….


Monday, August 1, 2011

Salam Ramadhan

Penyimpan Mohor2 Besaq...Yang Besaq2 Kepala dgn ini mengisytiharkan bahawa PUBLIC HOLIDAYS untuk semua ...untuk Sebulan (No Overtime!! and No Replacement!!!) 

 Maka Dgn ini ingin diberikan sedikit Pesanan kepada MANUSIA :

- Kalau dok beratur panjang di Kedai Mamak di waktu puncak -Bukanyang suruh!!
-Kalau ada Runner dok tolong beli Bekalan - Dia takdak kena mengena dgn!!!
- Kalau tak reti2 nak buat amal ibadat - Bukanyang dok bagi hampa MALAS tau!!
- Kalau dok pakai terdedah sana-sini - Bukan yang suruh dan bukan yang suruh tengok..!!
- Kalau dok pi berkepit sana-sini dgn marka siang malam - Bukan yang bagi line!!
- Kalau dok Boros sangat shopping Raya - Bukanyang suruh!!
- Kalau dok tak habis2 mengata orang - Bukan yang bagi idea!!
- Kalau tak habis2 dok berdengki kat orang - Memang bukan yang dok cucuk!!

Maka MANUSIA, ambillah peluang ini untuk
UPGRADEkan Diri anda, KENALIlah Diri Anda, BERBUAT BAIK lah dan SUCIkanlah Diri Anda.
Kumpulkanlah Pahala sebanyak mungkin..........Renungkanlah..Adakah masa ini yang paling sesuai untuk
BERUBAH atau Anda masih Menunggu!!!!...Tunggu Sapa lagi....

Jangan lupa Bayar Zakat Fitrah tau!!!.....
Ada juga yg dok merungut Zakat mahal .....Ini pun takdak kena mengena dgn   tau!!..

Tolonglah Manusia ooiii.......Kalau Semua dah Beriman dan ikut Jalan yang Benar...kami punya kerja pun kurangla sikit....Kamipun dah letih Overtime....

Akhir kata -
SELAMAT BERPUASA Dan BERIBADAT.........................
We Will be Back to Office after Ramadhan ....he..he

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Hijau Daun - Suara Ku Berharap

di sini aku masih sendiri
merenungi hari-hari sepi
aku tanpamu, masih tanpamu
bila esok hari datang lagi
ku coba hadapi semua ini
meski tanpamu oooh meski tanpamu
bila aku dapat bintang yang berpijar
mentari yang tenang bersamaku disini
ku dapat tertawa menangis merenung
di tempat ini aku bertahan

suara dengarkanlah aku
apa kabarnya pujaan hatiku
aku di sini menunggunya
masih berharap di dalam hatinya
suara dengarkanlah aku
apakah aku slalu dihatinya
aku di sini menunggunya
masih berharap di dalam hatinya
kalau ku masih tetap disini
ku lewati semua yang terjadi
aku menunggumu, aku menunggu

suara dengarkanlah aku
apa kabarnya pujaan hatiku
aku di sini menunggunya
masih berharap di dalam hatinya
suara dengarkanlah aku
apakah aku ada dihatinya
aku di sini menunggunya
masih berharap di dalam hatinya

suara dengarkanlah aku

Friday, July 8, 2011

Gagak yang setiakawan..

Wake up very late!!!!! itu pon sebab anjing aunty sebelah buat bising...
mandi dan bersiap... Ready to GO!!!!
keluar lift  pusing kiri, pastu pusing kiri lagi, jalan terus dan pusing kanan....

Bising la gagak ni... Nape tibe tibe banyak ni...
Eh ada yang mati, ada yang hampir mati.... What's going on????
Tibe tibe ada something berat and berduri atas kepala...
Erk gagak n salah landing ke ape? ingat kepala aku ni pokok  sena ke? jalan lagi dua tiga langkah... Eh ada lagi, siap try nak patuk lagi... eh ni bukan salah landing... ni ATTACKKKK!!!!!!!! ape lagi cha alip bot aaaa....
Dah jauh sikit baru berani pandang pokok tadi... eh ade adik MSU jalan..
tak sempat nak warn dia dah kena.... lagi teruk.. sebab die laki, rambut cket saya lucky, x luka , sebab saya bertudung.. :-D...
Saya rasa la kan.. diorang nak protect member diorang yang dah tak larat nak terbang tu.... diorang memang setiakawan...

I Wish I have a friend which would be with me, happy with me, sad with me, enjoy with me,Cherish me when i'm sad, remind me when i was astray....

Eh!! almost forgotten !! i do have them...
You know who you are!! Thanks a lot for being with me!!
mmmmuaahhh mmmuaahhh

p/s :

cuba korang baca dalam satu nafas... mau semput kan?
cube bayangkan nak tulis 80 character ni kat cek ...
kene  adjust handwriting sekecil yang mampu...
huhu... lucky xde spelling error..
kalo x dah kena tulis skali lagi... tahan napas tau nak tulis ni..


You’d always ask me,
‘how come you never say “I love you?”
do you really love me?’
But you know,
I wanted something more sweeter,
I want to confess to you just like those lovers from movies, so that you won’t forget
I’ve waited for the white snow
I’ll confess to you now, the words I’ve held back
I love you

your smile brighter than the sunset
your two hands that embraced me
I love you, I love you
I promise that I will never leave you
I will always tell it to you face-to-face
You ask me what’s to hesitate about,
‘is it that hard?
I want to hear what you got to say’
But you know,
I wanted something more special,
I want a special day I can always remember, so that it won’t pass forgotten
I’ve waited for the white snow
I’ll confess to you now, the words I’ve held back
I love you

your smile brighter than the sunset
your two hands that embraced me
I love you, I love you
I promise that I will never leave you
I will always tell it to you face-to-face
I don’t want to separate with you
not even a single moment
when I lean on you, I hope the time will stop

I love you
I love you
your smile brighter than the sunset
your two hands that embraced me
I love you, I love you
I promise that I will never leave you
I will always tell it to you face-to-face
I love you, I love you
loving you, loving you
I love you

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Love is..

If You Love Something Set It Free 
If It Comes Back,
It Was And Always Will Be Yours

If It Never Returns, 
It Was Never Yours To Begin With

Friday, June 17, 2011


this week turns to be the most busy week... 
and depressing !! 
Oh my... 
Headache, backache, nausea, fatigue .... 
all comes once... i'm dying!!   i'm aging!! huwaaaaaaaa
can i go back to the old time? turn to 16 again...
oh i miss the moment... carefree!!

but it is impossible... life must go on.. 
face those pathetic people every day... 
yes it driving me nut!!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Me being MEAN!

scene 1
the superior :  Siti, carikan i supporting ni..
Me : i da copy untuk you on Monday
..... Digging for the document requested.....
Me : this is april journal, this one is March.. supporting is attached to it
the superior : Where? take out for me
......... pretending not hear her instruction..........
the superior : Siti, if i ask you to find it, you must find it... Salah ke?
Me : Yes salah.. dah dua kali kot, i pon da copy siap siap untuk you.. mana you campak...
beliau cari sambil hempas hempas barang.
the superior : i akan bagitau bos, cari 2 kali salah.....
.......pretending not listen to it, continue my work, take my phone, jump to another song...
dalam hati: you tak cakap pon i tau....

scene 2( few minutes after scene 1)
the superior : Alin, i nak tolong tapi x sempat...
the colleague : xpe xpe, i buat sniri..
....... silent, doing her work....
the superior : I bkn x nk tolong, tp ni org x mau sain, blablabla…
the colleague: dah dah dah....i xde complaint apa pun pun…I nak cepat……
the superior : dengar cakap I, ini kerja you, i tolong you tau….
the colleague : i tak mintak you tolong pon.. you nak bising bising ni kenapa.. bla bla bla..
the superior : you dengar la i cakap dlu...
the colleague : dah dah dah…sambil tutup telinga….
the superior left : you tak nak dengar i cakap, i pon tak nak dengar you cakap...
the colleague: tau pun, sekarang ni you rasa la bila org tak nak dengar cakap you….

Me : LOL... emotional x ilang lagi... marah kat sape lagi ni?

Today moral value: kalo cakap elok2 kan senang, xde orang panas ati.. cube la guna perkataan tolong ke, sorry ke... ini tak main terjah je... Kena la time PMS hehe.. terkeluar la bahasa nan indah....
elok la.. PMS versus Meno..

humm talking bout PMS versus Menopause
some information for you :

Common Menstrual Symptons
PMS often includes both physical and emotional symptoms, such as:

Sakit Perut,Kembung,Sembelit, atau cirit birit 
Bloating, cramping and water retention are common before the start of a period. Slight weight gain is also possible, yet usually is only temporary. Bloating usually occurs in the abdomen while swelling occurs in the ankles, hands and feet. Cramping can range from a dull ache to a sharp pain in the lower abdomen.
Ketegangan, lekas marah, perubahan mood, atau mudah menangis
Mood swings are a fairly common symptom before menstruation. Anxiety, irritability and anger can be contributed to an impending period. Women may also experience bouts of sadness and crying.
Masalah kulit
Skin blemishes such as acne and oily skin may start to surface the day before menstruation, and possibly a week before. Some women may also find that their hair is more oily, or alternately some may have unusually dry hair.
Payudara Bengkak
Breast swelling and tenderness may also be present before menstruation. Women may also feel tingling sensations in their breasts, as well as itchiness and a general discomfort.
Selera makan bertambah
Many women will notice a craving for certain foods before their period, and some may have the "munchies." The cravings can range from salty snacks such as chips and peanuts, to sweet snacks such as chocolate.
Keletihan - Sakit otot
Fatigue can come from a multitude of different issues, including stress, weather and medical problems. However, fatigue is a common symptom before menstruation. Some women may experience an inability to sleep before menstruation as well.
Sakit Belakang, Sakit Kepala
Headaches can also be attributed to other factors, but many women experience headaches, from slight to major, before their periods begin. As with other symptoms, the severity of the headache normally lessens as menstruation begins.
Sukar tidur
Kurang tumpuan atau ingatan
Cemas dan Murung

Common Menopause Symptoms

Pertukaran Kitaran Haid
Often the first symptom of impending menopause is a change in the length of your cycle. It may be longer between periods, shorter between periods, or a combination of the two.
Panas badan secara tiba tiba & Berpeluh pada waktu malam
A hot flash is the sensation of “flushing” or a sudden feeling of heat, often accompanied by sweating. When they occur during sleep they are called night sweats. Hot flashes are the menopause symptoms most often mentioned by women. About 75% of women will experience hot flashes as they go through menopause.
Perubahan Mood
As estrogen and progesterone decline, some women describe themselves as “emotional.” They report being more easily triggered into strong emotional responses such as sadness, anger, irritability or delight. Because they see themselves as suddenly unpredictable, women find this unsettling, and are likely to seek help for this symptom.
Sakit Kepala
Both migraine and tension headaches may increase during menopause. Since migraine headaches are vascular in nature, and since the vascular system is more unstable during menopause, migraines can become more frequent and difficult to manage.
Sukar Tidur
Many women report a greater tendency to be wakeful. Sometimes this is due to night sweats and sometimes due to neurological excitability, both of which are more common during menopause. Once awake, they find it difficult to go back to sleep and can suffer from sleep deprivation as a result.
Miss V kering  & Masalah Kencing
This symptom is also one for which women seek help. As estrogen is less available, the walls of the bladder, urethra and vagina become drier and less flexible. This makes the tissue more easily damaged and more prone to infections.
Berat bertambah
Your metabolism will slow with age, and weight gain is common in menopause. The combination of changing patterns of fat deposit, less muscle mass and a slower metabolism can give you a larger abdomen and “flabby” arms and legs that send you off to the gym for help.
Perubahan persepsi dan memori
This symptom, too, is one that is distressing for women. While some loss of memory is normal with aging – especially word retrieval and short term memory – if cognitive changes interfere with your ability to do everyday things it’s a good idea to get them checked by your health care provider.
Some women experience a profound fatigue during the menopause. It is usually temporary and is your body’s adjustment to lower estrogen. If it prevents you from doing your daily activities, or if it lasts more than two months, see a health care provider to rule out other causes of fatigue.
Ghairah berkurang
Many women notice that their sexual desire lessens when they become menopausal. Sometimes this is a temporary response to hormone shifts, sometimes it is a reaction to other things like stressors or difficult life situations. If you notice that you desire sex less often, or don’t seem to enjoy it, and this creates problems in your life or relationships, talk to your doctor or provider about possible treatments.
Serious or Dangerous Menopause Symptoms
See your physician or medical provider if you experience any of the following serious symptoms:
Pendarahan teruk
If you find that your periods are increasingly heavy and that you have to change your super tampon or maxi pad more than once an hour for eight hours, your bleeding may be damaging your health. Heavy bleeding can be a sign of fibroid tumors, uterine polyps or uterine cancer. It can cause you to become anemic and should be evaluated by a medical professional.
Tekanan Darah Tinggi
Check your blood pressure every few months, and if it becomes higher than 140/80 make an appointment to have it evaluated. High blood pressure can put you at risk for heart disease or stroke, and may be a sign of more serious medical problems.
Jantung berdegup lebih kencang
Some occasional heart palpitations or irregular beats can be normal during the time around menopause. But if they are happening frequently, or are accompanied with trouble breathing, fainting, chest pain, anxiety, or nausea they could be signs of heart disease or a heart attack.
Menopause is a time of changing moods and grief over life’s losses. If you are finding yourself sad most of the time, or if you feel hopeless, irritable, have lost pleasure in things you used to enjoy or think about dying or hurting yourself, make an appointment to see whether you are clinically depressed. Some treatments for depression are also effective for other menopausal symptoms.

Other Symptoms of Menopause
Low blood pressure
Ringing in the ears (Tinnitus)
Aching joints and muscles
Bizarre dreams
Hair loss
Burning sensation in mouth
Change in breath odor or “bad taste” in the mouth
Change in body odor
Unusual neurological experiences like “creepy crawly” feelings in the skin, tingling, numbness, itching, “electric shocks”

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Jangan pandang remeh "Consumer Right"

Hai readers!
Penantian saya selama selama 3 tahun berakhir dan saya berjaya menegakkan hak saya sebagai pengguna.
Semua nya bermula 29 April 11 selepas segala macam perdebatan dengan staff NYSS diorang masih tak nak bayar balance duit yang dibayar.. so saya log case ke dengan harapan hak saya sebagai pengguna dapat dibela 

1st step :

2nd Step : Cerita la kisah sedih anda disini
Lepas tu diam je. tunggu sampai diorang call. Last Monday 8 May KPDN call, minta saya explain dekat diorang secara detail.. On the phone dengan officer tu dari dalam bilik, turun tangga, jalan ke opis, kat traffic light,  beli bekfast, sambung jalan, punch card, sampai opis...
me : errr cik Azurah, saya da sampai opis ni. ada pape supporting ke saya kena bagi?
kpdn : ye cik, nanti fax resit pembayaran pada saya
me : ok ok...

After Lunch :
Me : Hello
Caller : Assalamualaikum Cik Siti, saya dari KPDN ye, tadi kita dah lawat NYSS kat IOI mall, tapi branch manager on leave, jadi kita dah panjangkan kes ni ke HQ NYSS, ada pihak NYSS call Cik Siti?
Me : umm takde pon lagi...
Caller : Ok takpe nanti saya call Cik Siti lagi.. tutttttttt

9th May 10.00am
Me : Hello
Caller :Assalamualaikum Cik Siti, saya dari KPDN ye.... Ada pihak NYSS call Cik Siti?
Me : belum lagi la..
Caller : Takpe, takpe.. nanti kita follow up

10th May 9.30am
Me : Hello
Caller :Assalamualaikum Cik Siti, saya dari KPDN ye.... Ada pihak NYSS call Cik Siti?
Me : belum lagi la..
Caller : Ok nanti saya call Cik Siti lg.

10th May 3.00pm
Me : Hello
Caller : Hello, is it Miss Siti?
Me : Yes i am.. who's on the line please?
Caller : Miss Siti, i'm Nicole calling from NYSS, regarding your claim,
Me : Yes, any update?
Caller : Yes, the management agree to pay you back, but we have to deduct RM 50 for admin charges RM 134.50 for the product, so the total amount we're going to pay you is RM 415.50.. is it ok with you?
Me : If i say i'm not ok with it???
Caller : This is the best we can do for you, can you come to our office to sign some document so our finance departmet cant issue the cheque for you?
Me : What? Cheque? When can i get the cheque? After i sign the document?
Caller : No, can you give us some time for proccessing the claim.. The cheque will be ready in two months time.
Me : What the.. how long you're going to drag this?? it's been 2 year ++ already..
Caller : Ok ok.. give me 1 month, but you need to come and sign the settlement agreement first
Me : OK... i'll be there before 9pm.

Anda berjaya!!
So sekarang saya perlu tunggu sebulan lagi untuk dapat cheque, tapi saya berjaya mengelak sesi alasan yang segala macam ... yang berlarutan selama 2 tahun..

notes : kepada yang xtau kisah claim ni... click here

BFF Wedding

30th April
Shah Alam ~ KT~ Ajil

Dari Shah Alam bertolak pukul 9.00 pagi dan sampai KT dah pukul 5.30++.. Nora dan Fyda dah sampai dulu dan diorang tengah shopping tudung Fyda.. Lepas tu pegi shopping barang dapur, chocolate ngan bunga hiasan... Kesian cik Fyda.. Tinggal bape jam je lagi.. tapi masih ter kejar kejar ke sana sini... 
Sampai umah Nora kat Ajil pon dah 10++pm.. mandi dan siap2.. Pastu makan.. baru gerak ke rumah Fyda.. Disebabkan saya tak terrer bab hias menghias ni, saya tolong cket je la.. Sorry ye cik Fyda....

1st May,
Ajil ~ KT~ Shah Alam

The day.. 10.00am Fyda dah bertukar status.. Dari cik kepada Puan..
Tahniah sayang!! Cepat cepat dapat baby ye.. Kami nak anak sedara ni... Rupa-rupanya banyak jugak benda nak buat time nikah ye... tengok Fyda lari kesana sini, garu kepala, cekak pinggang dan segala bagai mimik muka... rasa seram la plak.. tapi in the end semuanya berjalan lancar...
Malam dah kena bertolak balik ke Shah Alam, bas Sani Express pukul 10.30, keluar dari Ajil pukul 8.00 so sampai KT pon awal lagi.. Lepak dulu kat McD.. Dan saya accidently terbeli large Mcvalue.. dapat ler gelas coke charcoal.. Da ada satu ni mesti kena kumpul  sampai abes kan kan? 
Saya sampai Shah Alama pukul 5.30...  Macih Cik Nora sebab temankan saya kat McD... Macih Incik BF fetch saya pagi pagi kat stesen bas..

Congratz my dear

the next ... sape ye?
 2nd May !!
Yayy!! cuti lagi... Masa untuk rest lepas travel jauh... Yeayy!!~ Roomate baru dah masuk... Welcome cik Farhana Sabli.. Please make urself at home...

Minggu yang peak

21st April
Its time to remove the stitches! Omaigod.. ada bleeding cket.. but the doc says that is normal phewww....  So skarang kena start pantang makan.. takot nanti lambat baik and berparut.. And  ! my brother called... Congratulation on your newborn baby boy! Mohammad Khairul Ikhwan..
Lepas je remove stitches tros naik LRT dari universiti ke Dang Wangi, Nak collect TGV passes from Nuffnang Office..  Hadiah Bday.. 4 pcs TGV passes
Thanx alot Nuffnang and TGV.. Next year bagi lagi ye!! Tak sia sia usaha saye... maceh maceh.... walaupon mase tu tengah tingtong dengan ubat bius, saket pinggang P pain.. Jumpe gak Opis Nuffnang.
And WOOWWWW!!! Cantik la opis.. Kaler Oreng...

Lepas tu terus patah balik Dang Wangi dan naik LRT ke Taman Melati... Abang Long ambik kat sana, dan tros gerak ke Hospital Besar Selayang... Sempat lepak sana dalam 3 jam, Selesai dalam pukul 9.00 ...
Rush back to Shah Alam sebab esok awal pagi dah nak gerak ke Terengganu...

22nd Apr 11
Shah Alam - Setiu - Jerteh - Setiu

23rd- BFF Engagement

Congratz yang!

Setiu - Jerteh - Marang - Shah Alam

notes : entry ni dah publish on 12 May, tp sebab blogger ade problem entry tiba2 ilang.. republish dengan sedikit kekurangan sebab da malas nk type

Monday, April 18, 2011

Sebaceous Cysts Excision

Sebaceous cysts are small lumps or bumps just under the skin. To be more specific, they are closed sacs that contain keratin -- a "pasty" or "cheesy" looking protein that often has a foul odor.

Although they are usually found on the face, neck, and trunk, they also occur in the vaginal area or other parts of the genitalia. In cases of the latter, it is not uncommon for women to fear that they are the result of genital herpes. But genital herpes create a blister-type sore that eventually becomes crusty, not just a bump or lump under the skin.

What Causes Sebaceous Cysts?

Sebaceous cysts are often the result of swollen hair follicles or skin trauma.

Symptoms and Signs/Symptoms of Infection

Sebaceous cysts are usually painless, slow-growing, small bumps or lumps that move freely under the skin. It's important not to touch or try to remove the substance inside to prevent tenderness, swelling, and infection of a sebaceous cyst.
Occasionally, infections may occur. Signs or symptoms that may indicate infection of sebaceous cysts include:
  • redness
  • tenderness
  • increased temperature of the skin over the bumps or lumps
  • greyish white, cheesy, foul-smelling material draining from the bump or lump

How Are Sebaceous Cysts Diagnosed ?

Sebaceous cysts, to the trained eye, are usually easily diagnosed by their appearance. In some cases, a biopsy may be necessary to rule out other conditions with a similar appearance. You should see your doctor to get a formal diagnosis if you suspect that you have a sebaceous cyst.

Treatments for Sebaceous Cysts

Sebaceous cysts most often disappear on their own and are not dangerous. As stated, however, they may become inflamed and tender. Sometimes sebaceous cysts grow large enough that they may interfere with your everyday life. When this happens, surgical removal may be necessary, and this procedure can be done at your doctor's office. Small inflamed cysts can often be treated with an injection of steroid medications or with antibiotics.

Complications of Sebaceous Cysts

If sebaceous cysts become infected, they can form into painful abscesses.
The surgical removal of a sebaceous cyst that does not involve the excision of the entire sac may cause the cyst to come back (although, recurrence is not usual).
Remember to consult your healthcare provider anytime you notice any type of growth, bump, or lump on your body. Although sebaceous cysts are not dangerous, your doctor should examine you to ensure that another more dangerous concern is not present.
Sebaceous Cyst. MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia. Accessed 08/26/09
Humm... In my previous surgery, doctor only remove the cyst... and the cyst grew at the same spot... And last week i scheduled the appointment with my doctor and the operation carried out on last friday..   

nampak spot tu?
Appointment Card

Admission Form

Barcode.. :-P

1 hour after surgery, 7hour starving + kesan anasthetic = muka blur

big stitch = big scar.. poor me  ;-(
sekarang tengah ting tong lagi.. kejap rasa pening, kejap rasa penat... uuwaaaaaaa........ muka rasa senget sebelah... Kebas sebelah muka... mata bertambah sepet... hukhuk... saye sedih.... 

Aku Dibius Cinta....

The Effects of Anesthesia After Surgery

Anesthesia can be a dangerous drug by itself, but it's common practice to mix it with other sedatives when administering it to people undergoing surgeries. There are many risks and reactions to the medicines.
  1. Understanding Risks

    • Thousands of people undergo routine surgeries every year, and very few of them know what to expect once they awaken from surgery. Knowing the risks of what is at stake during a surgery, whether routine or not, will help bolster your chances of survival and a positive outcome.

    Anesthesia Types

    • There are multiple ways for administering anesthesia, including: local, regional, peripheral nerve blocks, epidural/spinal and general. Depending on which type of anesthesia is given, it will neutralize a certain part of the patient's body, acting as a numbing agent to block all pain. Anesthesia also blocks the body's stress reactions to surgeries.


    • Anesthesia affects the brain as well as the body The effects anesthesia has on you has a lot to do with your prior health and age. Anesthesia is also mixed with other medications to ensure release of anxiety and proper sedation, so keep in mind that these other medicines may have an impact on you as well while coming out of surgery.
      Local or regional anesthesia causes numbness and reduced feeling in a particular area of the body. Muscle control and coordination may also be affected.

    Common Effects

    • Fatigue is noted in patients, and may last up to several weeks after the initial operations.
      Cognitive problems including trouble with memory, attention and concentration may also last up to a few weeks after surgery, especially in elderly patients. The best way to combat this is to keep your mind active by playing games, reading books and performing mental exercises. Nausea and vomiting are reported right after the patient wakes up. These symptoms decrease dramatically as the medicines wear off. A drop in body temperature, causing you to feel cold, may come over you as you are awake for your first couple of hours. This feeling will pass as well. (Patut ler semalam ngan harini rase nak baring je.. satu badan rase lenguh lenguh)

    Patient Care

    • Patients are urged to talk to their nurses or doctors about any troublesome symptoms they experience while coming out of anesthesia. This can be a crucial time in a patient's life and needs to be handled with care and skill.

Read more: The Effects of Anesthesia After Surgery |