.. Do you hate being alone?
..Do you know anyone named Chris?
umm... nope
.. Ever kissed anyone with a name?
; next.......
.. Do you have any siblings?
10 of them
.. Do you have a look alike?
me n only me
.. What color are the walls in your bedroom?
puteh itu suci
.. Are you named after a grandparent?
umm ye kot...
.. Are you a heavy sleeper?
hehe... kegemaranku
.. Who did you last hug?
;umm... bile?
.. What's a sure way for someone to catch your attention?
;jerit la
.. Do you find it easier to forgive or forget?
due2 pon susah
.. Who was the last person to send you a text message?
.. Do you like to read?
suke suke..... : )
.. Are you jealous?
ade sebab..... :D
.. What made you smile today?
moody satu ari... nak sebab??
.. What are you doing?
keje + blogging :P
.. What did you do yesterday?
reach puchong morning, sleep,sleep,makan, kemas umah, kuar amek phone baru, test fon, makan, kemas baju, mop lantai, tdo blek............... done
.. How many hours did you sleep for last night?
total? 12 hours haha
.. Who was the last person you had a sleep over with?
katil ku.... haizz..........
.. Who's the last person that creep you out?
die jugak
.. Do you like your school?
mish them so much
.. What jewelery are you wearing?
;gelang, cincin
.. Anything fun happened today?
at this moment ... not yet
.. Anything bad happened today?
: (
.. Are you mad at anyone?
die.... die....
.. What's the last thing you bought?
wet tissues, vaseline
.. Have you cried today?
blom.... : D
.. Do you think that someone is thinking about you right now?
nope dun think so..... haizz..........
.. Do you have shoes on?
; bersile atas kusi kat ofis.... ape anda rase?
.. Whats the closest thing to you that is pink?
public bank cheque book, mouse, paper clip, pen knife
.. Do you get annoyed easily?
.. Do you like someone?
.. What are you going to do this weekend?
; window shopping maybe.... PC Fair diz weekend
.. Are you good at saving money?
kikiki... not at all
.. What should you be doing right now?
keje keje keje
.. Do you have a tattoo?
.. Is there a secret you've never told your best friend?
.. Have you ever told someone you hated them?
; owiz told them.... x baik simpan2 nnt saket... hahahaha
.. Have you ever changed your clothes in the car?
owh tidak..........
.. What are you doing in 2010?
work maybe, kawen? xde harapan, tanam anggur? ummm........ next!!!
.. Who makes you happy at this moment?
pic kat kg.... ramai2 bakar sate, men ujan...........
nak balekkkk!!!!!!!!!!!